Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Most Difficult Project I didn't Give Up On

Ever since I first came across customized and altered My Little Ponies on sites like deviant art and craftster I have had the urge to create my own. This past weekend my youngest sister gave me 3 ponies that came in a lot of barbies she purchased for her daughter. They were dirty, tangled and worn......my favorite - objects that would otherwise end up in the garbage.

I found some helpful tips and tutorials on pony customizing here.

I choose a light pink one and decided to transform this sad, bald pink pony into an Aztec princess.

The first order of business was to dismember and clean the pony. The head is glued in place and with just a bit of encouragement it pops right off.

Next I used pliers to remove the hair.

I used a baby bottle brush to clean the head and body cavity and scrubbed them thoroughly with warm soapy water.

Using acetone (nail polish remover) I removed the painted details and eyes and rump.

Painting is done with a 2-1 acrylic paint and water mixture. Using a very soft brush I applied at least 12 coats of my watery paint to the pony head and body. Dyeing is another option but I decided to use things I had on hand.

After drying I painted on the details with a tiny brush and acrylic paints. I am not incredibly proficient with a paintbrush but practice make perfect......so I gave it best. I ended up removing my progress and starting over twice.

I choose a small Aztec calender for the body design and added detail to her forehead. I repainted the eyes and let the whole thing dry overnight.

Now, the nightmare. I have never rooted or worked with hair but I thought "how hard could it be"? I did have to purchase hair since I did not have any lying around. I choose 14 inch long human hair extensions in a two tone brown color. I decided that I would use thin looped wire to pull the strands of hair through the tiny holes. Pretty soon I had a tangled mess inside my pony's head and it became harder and harder to insert my strands...and there are sooo many holes! I considered throwing the whole thing in a drawer and denying it ever happened, but I kept coaxing strands of hair into those itty-bitty holes.

I was determined that I would not be beaten by a pony.

Finally after 2 days of struggling and pulling my own hair out I achieved my goal.....somewhat.

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