Saturday, April 2, 2011

Heavy duty kitchen magnet from fabric scraps

These versatile magnets are a perfect way to use small scraps of fabric and create a strong and handy magnet. For this tutorial I am using the tiny sleeve from the shirt my youngest wore to his first day of kindergarten. Fabric magnets are a perfect way to use collars and cuffs - parts that normally don't even make it to my rag bin.

For this project you will need craft magnets. I used the very smallest (but very strong) ones. 8 for 2.99 at my local Hobby Lobby. They are about the size of the tip of a pencil eraser. They are the smaller ones pictured below.

      For this project you will need:
                A strip of fabric 2in x 9in
                3 magnets
                coordinating threads
                optional buttons or other decorative bits
                pins and needle

Fold the fabric strip in half horizontally with right sides together. Sew along the raw edge.

Turn right side out.

Finish on end by folding the raw edge in and stitching closed.

Insert the 1st magnet and stitch a line to keep it in place.

Determine where the center of your magnet will be and stich a line.

Insert 2nd magnet and stitch a line to secure the magnet.

Stitch a line to hold the third magnet in place. Insert 3rd magnet and stitch raw edge closed.

Decorate as desired and you have a strong magnet that can be configured in many different ways. I use mine to hold keys, thick stacks of papers and heavy items other magnets can not.

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